
DXN Code Strike also like we mentioned

DXN Code Strike also like we mentioned a little bit in the chin in the mental crease there that might just stretch out the tissues here as well oh that would be good as yeah yeah and one of the other treatments that we do at the lovely clinic is some fat dissolving injections and they have a side effect but they also tighten the skin so reduce the side effects a side effects it no sorry it's the treatment is that it's dissolves fat okay with an injection but the side effect is that it tightens the skin so that may be an option for you in treatment on that day we'll just see how much time we have what we can get through you might as well do as many treatments as we can so I think that's how I would do things lastly we've got a picture with you smiling so let's have a look at that and see if there's anything that bothers you about that picture there we are anything here that catches your eye I see these kind of lines here but these are just natural on a they're just when you as you get older when you smile you do have this so you know it's better to have these

Velofel don't know tip yeah maybe well cuz

Velofel don't know tip yeah maybe well cuz you said maybe it's like the circumcised listen to this comedian oh gosh she was so funny who I think it was Nikki Glaser Nikki Glaser's new stand-up whoa hilarious and she in it she says that it wasn't until she was an adult when she realized blue balls isn't a fucking thing it doesn't hurt you know how much it hurts oh I'm not gonna have sex with you that's it you've experienced all the pain right there can you believe they've kept that going to this long I was only when I was like younger that they said that hmm and so I never had a moment where I would be like you know because when I was an adult and said I'm not ready they respected that and understood and we would have 


velofel south africa something yeah like maybe like I another conversation why the hell did they call it bloom I don't know this is what I'm saying is like this like a bang like maybe it's like cos sad sad is blue or like I was thinking of like cutting off that like the circulation to something it like turns blue okay but that doesn't happen well that's the image I painted in my head where if you don't like I'm not kidding that this is you that they turn blue well I didn't think that like as an adult but like as a I thought that there would be some amount of like discomfort yeah you know yeah I can and then especially because of what happens right before we're like everything kind of gets real tight in there and so I'm like okay there is a physiologic the blood